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.1. First open the GPS Antenna cover..
US $0.00
.1. First take out battery, battery cover, stylus, memory card and sim card..
.1. First Take out SD Memory Card from device..
1. First take out Stylus, Battery, Memory Card..
1. First take out Stylus, Memory Card,Battery and Battery Cover..
.1. First take out Stylus,battery,battery cover and protection cover..
.1 First take out stylus/battery/battery cover/memory card..
.1 First, take out battery cover..
.1 First, take out battery cover, battery, memory & Sim Card..
.1 First, take out battery, battery cover, stylus & memory card..
.1 First, take out stylus and memory card ..
.1. First, take out stylus, battery and battery cover..
.1 First, take out stylus, battery cover, battery, memory card, sim card..
.1. First, take out the battery, battery cover and stylus..
.1. First, take out the stylus , battery and battery cover..
.1 First, take out the stylus, memory card, battery and battery cover..
1. Take out stylus, battery, battery cover and compact flash filler card..
.1. Take out the plactic near the camera ..
1. First, take out the stylus, battery cover, battery and memory cardPlease click below link to watch the complete video:
10. Can take out the Sim Card & Memory Card PCB now..
10. Open LCD ConnectorPlease click below link to watch the complete video: ..
10. Open the back cover from LEFT side be carefully..
10. Open the LCD Connector..
10. Open the middle frame & front cover..
10. Press the part that beside the LCD before take the LCD out..
10. Pull down the plastic near the connector..
10. Repair Speaker..
10. Seperate Front, Back Cover and Mainboard..
10. Seperate the Mainboard and Front Cover..
10. Take out Keypad PCB connector..
10. Take out LCD from mainboard..
10. Take out the Keypad PCB cable..
10. Take out the LCD connector..
.10 Take out the mainboard..
10. Take out the Speaker connector..
10. Take out the Tape on the LCD Connector..
10. Take out the Touch Connector..
11. Attention! There is a tape / sticker here!..
11. Be careful the connector when taking out the middle frame..
11. Mainboard is seperated successfully..
11. Open the LCD connector..
11. Press plastic parts on the side to take out mainboard..
11. Pull out the LCD..
11. Pull to right side to take out the LCD carefull..
11. Seperate metal frame and LCD..
11. Seperated the mainboard and Front Cover succesfully..
11. Take out Back Up Battery connector..
11. Take out LCD cable carefullyPlease click below link to watch the complete video:
11. Take out screws on the Keypad PCB..
11. Take out the connector of Side Keypad..
11. Take out the Keypad PCB Connector..
11. Take out the LCD cable carefully..
11. Take out the LCD Connector..
11. Take out the mainboard..
11. Take out the mainboard successfully..
12. All Parts from HP iPAQ 200 series..
12. Also, be careful the back up battery connector..
12. Open Front cover and Middle Frame..
12. Open the LCD carefully, as tape behind..