Self-Repair for ipaq rx1950/1955
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.1 First take out stylus/battery/battery cover/memory card..
US $0.00
10. Take out the Keypad PCB cable..
US $0.00
11. Take out the mainboard..
US $0.00
12. Seperate the mainboard successfully..
US $0.00
13. Take out 4 screws on the Keypad PCB Holder..
US $0.00
14. Use Housing Opener to open Middle Cover & Front Cover..
US $0.00
15. Seperate Middle & Front Cover successfully..
US $0.00
16. Take out Microphone from Middle Cover / Housing..
US $0.00
17. Take out the LCD easily from Front Cover..
US $0.00
18. Seperate LCD from Front Cover successfully..
US $0.00
19. Take out Speaker from Keypad PCB Holder..
US $0.00
20. Take out Keypad & Keypad PCB..
US $0.00
21. Seperate Keypad and Keypad PCB..
US $0.00
22. All parts from rx1950, rx1955 PDA..
US $0.00
.3 Use Housing Opener to open the housing..
US $0.00
.4 Seperate the Back Cover successfully..
US $0.00
.5. Take out 1 screw on the mainboard..
US $0.00
.6 Take out the connector of microphone on the mainboard..
US $0.00
.7 Open LCD Connector..
US $0.00
.8 Take the LCD Cable carefully..
US $0.00
.9 Pull out the Keypad PCB connector..
US $0.00