Self-Repair for data messenger
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.1 First, take out stylus, battery cover, battery, memory card, sim card..
US $0.00
10. Can take out the Sim Card & Memory Card PCB now..
US $0.00
11. Take out the connector of Side Keypad..
US $0.00
12. take out Keypad connector & LCD Connector..
US $0.00
13. Seperated Mainboard, Keypad & Front Cover..
US $0.00
14. Take out 4 screws of the metal parts..
US $0.00
15. Take out the middle frame..
US $0.00
16. Take out 2 small black plastic parts..
US $0.00
17. Take out 4 screws which at the corners..
US $0.00
Open the top plastic part..
US $0.00
19. Take out the top plastic part..
US $0.00
.2 Take out 2 screws on the back cover..
US $0.00
20. Open the front cover..
US $0.00
21. Take out 2 screws on the metal part..
US $0.00
22. Take out the connector of Speaker..
US $0.00
23. Take out 1 screw on the Menu Keypad PCB..
US $0.00
24. Open 2 connectors of LCD Module..
US $0.00
25. Take out the LCD Module..
US $0.00
26. Take out the connector of Navigation Button..
US $0.00
27. Take out the navigation button..
US $0.00
28. Open the connector of Touch screen..
US $0.00
29. Pull out the touch screen cable..
US $0.00
.3 Take out Left & Right Side Strip..
US $0.00
30. Take out the screw on the Menu keypad PCB..
US $0.00
31. Take out the Menu Keypad PCB..
US $0.00
.4. Take out Bottom Plastic Part..
US $0.00
.5 Take out the Top Plastic Part..
US $0.00
.6. Take out 2 screws under the top plastic part..
US $0.00
.7 Open the Back cover from Keypad..
US $0.00
.8. Seperate the back cover successfully..
US $0.00
.9 Take out 3 screws on the Sim Card & Memory Card PCB..
US $0.00